Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010? Hoverboards?

I was having a conversation with a great friend, Dr. Bill Hooke at Sutton's Drug store in Chapel Hill, NC over his grilled cheese and my cheeseburger (sorry poultry friends)about a levitating mechanism and process he heard about. Hoverboards in 2010? Now, that's back to the future.

So 2009 in review. Here are some thoughts:

  • OKAY Consulting is starting to take off. The Delta is growing and new non-profits are emerging. They need help and we can help them.
  • The Thanksgiving Day Giveway was a huge success! We gave away 52 plates!! The lessons learned: 1) You can start small, but still have a big impact. 2) Almost everybody can get a meal on Thanksgiving, so let's do it another day instead.
  • There are a lot of potential partnerships, so it will be important to be even more organized and more strategic when moving forward in 2010.
  • Read, Read, Read. And then Read some more.
  • Check out Mykia Clayton's (SCFP Class of 2013) first video from MediaFest 2009!:
2010 Here we come!

--Greg McCoy
Founding OKAY Community Member,

Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Piece by Piece

"You are practicing to become whatever you decide to be."

More steps in the right direction.

12-2008: The O.K.A.Y. Community began providing consulting services to Delta Clean, powered by future Reallionare, Kenyon King. Check out his spotlight in a Nick News special featuring our community!! Nick News on Kenyon King, the Freedom Project, and the Delta.

12-2008: Mac's Soul Fusion is born and provides it's first official catering service for the B.B. King Museum's first Teacher's Reception and Gospel Showcase. Sweet Potato Singles: Bite sized sweet potato pies, topped with crushed pecans, and drizzled chocolate. Yeah, we know. We'll save you some next time. :)

Delta Delivers is coming soon...

In the meantime, we are hosting Cream of Wheat Wednesdays and French Toast Fridays to provide nutritious breakfasts for our Teach For America community members. Pictures to come!

Let's make it happen!

--Greg McCoy

Founding Community Partner