Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010? Hoverboards?

I was having a conversation with a great friend, Dr. Bill Hooke at Sutton's Drug store in Chapel Hill, NC over his grilled cheese and my cheeseburger (sorry poultry friends)about a levitating mechanism and process he heard about. Hoverboards in 2010? Now, that's back to the future.

So 2009 in review. Here are some thoughts:

  • OKAY Consulting is starting to take off. The Delta is growing and new non-profits are emerging. They need help and we can help them.
  • The Thanksgiving Day Giveway was a huge success! We gave away 52 plates!! The lessons learned: 1) You can start small, but still have a big impact. 2) Almost everybody can get a meal on Thanksgiving, so let's do it another day instead.
  • There are a lot of potential partnerships, so it will be important to be even more organized and more strategic when moving forward in 2010.
  • Read, Read, Read. And then Read some more.
  • Check out Mykia Clayton's (SCFP Class of 2013) first video from MediaFest 2009!:
2010 Here we come!

--Greg McCoy
Founding OKAY Community Member,