Monday, February 18, 2013

Together We CAN. The CANclusion (get it?)

  “ …A small group of dedicated individuals CAN change the world…”

1st Can run. Cashier thought i was just really hungry.
First, on January 18th, I sent out a morning email to a “small group” of friends and family. The goal was to support a company led canned goods drive for Mobile Meals of Greensboro, NC.  At United Health Care, we have a great sense of corporate responsibility, and I wanted to do my part to ensure that was reflected in our local efforts.

Next, the response was immediate and overwhelming. Within 48hrs, this “small group of dedicated individuals” contributed over 300 additional cans on top of what I already donated. How cool is that?! After seeing box after box that my “small group” donated, some coworkers even took me up on my offer to pick up canned goods for them on one of my runs.

Finally, after two weeks of anxiously waiting, a company email went out announcing the winners and more importantly the results of our site's food drive.  At the top of the list was Greg McKoy.  (Notice the incorrect spelling of my last name, McCoy.) As I wondered who this person was and how to best congratulate him, I pondered even more on how this effort would have been possible without the support of all of you. :)  Congratulations to Cornesha Ward, who's donations and lucky number helped her win a personalized rap song. Cornesha is also a former Freedom Project student who is now living and working in Washington, D.C. Thank you all so much for helping us more than double our total from last year.

“Never doubt that a small group of dedicated individuals can change the world, indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”  - Margaret Mead

Thanks to A Small Group
Thanks to a small group,
a few seeds were planted.
Thanks to a small group,
those few seeds grew.
Thanks to a small group,
few became many.
Thanks to a small group collectively,
And thanks individually to you.

-         MC

Once again, thanks for your support and inspiration. Until next time...

Let's make it happen,

--Greg McCoy

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