Thursday, August 19, 2010

Math, Motivation, and Music. Part III

What's on the other side of the pain and prejudice? Unlimited possibility. Once we're able to shake the hold the haters have on us, we can push through the pain that comes from the prejudice and see that the only real barriers to unlimited success are our own perceived limits.
2+2 = 4 Right? Not always. What if the the whole is greater than the sum of the individual parts? Break through the prejudice.
What prejudice you ask? Sometimes it is, but it's not always what you think. Common says "sometimes it's comes from your own kind, or even from your own mind." So once we get over people's perceptions of us, we can move forward so fast.

I'm highly motivated right now and I want to be the best. Not for me, but because I know what it will mean to so many people around me. They told me that. "I want to be the best. Plain and simple. And to be the best you have to win."

On your quest to do your best each day, you will have people trying to "hook" ya. "Watch for the hook. " ( Cool Breeze, ft. Goodie Mob CLASSIC!!!" )

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